RL46 Into the darkness ( the queen of Witches) Designed by Laura G. Lattuada © Copyright 2015 by Laura G. Lattuada - Passione Ricamo ® ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stitching info: I suggest to stitch the model on 32ct Fabric opal linen “ waining moon” http://polstitchesdesigns.co.uk/Fabrics.html Stitch count: 258 x 345 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DMC Floss list (The asterisk next to floss number indicates multiple skeins) 154 156 157 159 160 161 168 169 310 (*7) 317 336 341 413 414 415 451 498 535 645 646 666 754 758 762 775 814 816 823 (*2) 825 930 (*2) 932 934 939 (*6) 945 951 967 3042 3325 3743 3747 3750 3752 3756 3768 3770 3778 3799 3865 (*2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL MATERIAL Mill Hill 00367 Garnet Glass Beads - Size 11/0 ( Need 1302 beads) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPTIONAL special materials — Materiali speciali FACOLTATIVI, Matériaux spéciaux OPTION If you desire give sparkle to the witch, you can use Petite Treasure braid by Rainbow Gallery instead of DMC or blend them togheter... make the changing or the blending follow these key list Nel caso in cui desideraste dare un tocco di luccichio alla strega, potete sostituire o addirittura usarli insieme, i filati moulinè DMC con i filati metallici Petite Treasure Braid della Rainbow Gallery utilizzando la legenda riportata qui sotto: Dans le cas où vous voulez ajouter une touche d'éclat à la sorcière, vous pouvez remplacer ou même les utiliser ensemble, DMC brin de fil de coton avec des fils métalliques Petite trésor Braid Rainbow Gallery en utilisant la légende ci-dessous: Rainbow Gallery treasure Braid PB05 + DMC 939 PB08 + DMC 336 PB10 + DMC 3865 PB18 + DMC 930 PB19 + DMC 816 PB29 + DMC 814 PB51 + DMC 310 PB63 + DMC 823